Have you been thinking about becoming Catholic?
Are you interested in learning more about how someone joins the Catholic Church? You may be a member of another Christian denomination, another faith tradition, or are seeking a faith tradition for the first time. Maybe you are an adult who was baptized Catholic, but never completed your sacramental initiation in Confirmation and Eucharist. Or, you may be family or friend to someone described above.
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the process by which an adult person is initiated into the Catholic Church, through Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion. Through this process the adult is formed in the Christian faith, with the local parish community serving as both catechists and models.
O.C.I.A is for three groups of people
- Those who have never been baptized in any faith,
- People who were baptized in another Christian faith, and
- Baptized Catholics who have never received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist
Anyone interested in exploring the possibility of joining the Catholic community is invited to contact Heather Warner, Pastoral Associate at 414-258-8821 or hwarner@stjudetheapostle.net. Or simply complete the interest form below.